Notes from Nina: Is anyone there?

Hi TADA! Friends and Family,
I’m not sure what’s going on. I’m looking for answers – I really am. I’m available to talk on the phone, Zoom or email and I’d love to hear your thoughts. I was so sure that our “Send a Kid to Camp” campaign would bring in many donations – especially this year. We all know how important it is for kids to get back to in-person activities with their peers. We sent the e-blast to over 2500 people and only received two donations. We then followed up with 106 people who made contributions to TADA! last summer and received $0. Really. TADA! relies on individual support. As you know since I’ve written about it, TADA!’s earned income has decreased by 75% which is over $700,000 due to COVID-19. We haven’t asked our donors over and over again because we know it’s been a tough time for all. However, TADA! needs your support to continue to offer its free musical theater and positive youth development programming.

This past year TADA! has provided more programming for free to NYC kids than ever before with continuing the free resident youth Ensemble Program, as well as giving over 70 scholarships to BIPOC students to take classes and camps remotely, and providing past productions on YouTube for all to see. We are offering more students free live camps this summer!

Did the fact that we haven’t asked a lot and didn’t have a Gala (due to COVID) make you feel like TADA! doesn’t need support? Someone said to me that people have the idea that TADA!’s doing ok and so people don’t see the need to give. Is that true? I really want to know. TADA! is ok in that we’re still here providing programs and a second home to kids and teens. We had to pay rent even when we weren’t in the space. Our landlord was nice and let us basically stay at what we were paying in FY20 for most of FY21. However, our rent is now $25,500 per month and will go up to $28,500 in September. We have kept our Ed classes and camps going with few paying customers because it is our mission to serve all kids interested in musical theater, and we believe that during COVID the kids we served needed us. 
We have done this at a financial loss. TADA! does not have a reserve fund at this time. It is something we hope to have in the coming years. We have been able to pay down some of the debt the last couple of years but still have more to do.

I know that you believe in TADA!’s mission as I do. This “Notes From Nina” is emailed to 11,800 people. It’s usually opened by 1,400. If all of you that opened this gave $25, TADA! would receive $35,000. Some of you can give more while some may give less; I’m just asking that you all give something now and be a TADA! Hero.

Speaking of heroes – right now (well, not now since it’s evening but earlier today) we are in rehearsals for Heroes which we will record and stream in August. Tickets will be sold through our website and are only $15 for the whole family to watch. Week-long musical theater camps start on July 26th in the newly renovated (thank you again to our volunteers) rehearsal spaces which are also available to rent! You can still register for these fantastically fun musical theater camps – safety precautions such as social distancing are in effect so class sizes are small. The Little House of CookiesBOTCH and The Perfect Monster are all available to watch on YouTube for free.

People have been asking about the fall classes. Registration begins soon – you’ll get another eblast about that so Be on the lookout wherever you go, we’ll give you the business the business of show Auditions for new Ensemble Members will take place in October. It’s been awhile so we’re looking for 20-30 new members! If you’re a teen and want to join and get mentored in offstage theatrical work we are also taking in at least 5-non performing members. Yes, this is something new!

I hope I wake up on Friday and see that there were many clicks on this email. I’ve really let this lack of support affect me. 

Thank you for caring about TADA! and for reading my Notes. Please email me if you have answers to my questions or thoughts to share. There are two more “Notes From Nina” this summer and then you’ll have a break from me for a while.


Janine Nina Trevens
Executive & Producing Artistic Director