Notes from Nina: Welcome to the New Season!

Hi TADA! Friends and Family,

I hope you are all enjoying the end of summer as there are officially a few more days left. At TADA! we’re all back working (still from our homes) to get everything ready to serve our Ensemble Members and students. We’re so excited to see everyone again real soon. I had a great end to summer – went to the pool everyday, read three books and made some new friends. I love being in water – I think I missed my calling of being a mermaid. Every person I met I spoke to about TADA! and it was so thrilling when the response from them was that they knew TADA! and knew people who had taken classes or seen shows. I loved that!

I recently went to see the theater and had a great outdoor lunch with Jake, Production Supervisor/Facilities & Rentals Manager, at Kazu Nori, one of my favorite restaurants near TADA!. Being away from the theater for 6 months has been hard. It’s still there, and I look forward to doing some live programming soon. We just want to make sure it’s safe.

We’ve decided to see how it goes with schools this fall and take our cues from there. We’re still working with our Ensemble Members remotely this fall on such things as: finishing the development of BECAUSE WE’RE GIRLS so that it’s ready for production this Spring; creating The TADA! Variety Show to start streaming this winter; private voice, dance and acting lessons as well as middle and high school audition help; HOT’s; Youth Council; dance classes; Teen Led Forums on BLM, anti-racism, and LGBTQIA issues; and the Careers in the Arts Mentorship Program for BIPOC youth. The staff is also doing anti-racism work to make sure TADA! becomes and continues to be an equitable and anti-racist organization.

TADA!’s Education Department is also very busy. The first open house was a success and we’re looking forward to the next one on September 26 for classes that start in October and run through December. All the fall classes will be held remotely so tell your friends and family that you can live anywhere in the world and be a part of TADA!. We also have classes specifically for middle school and new classes for High Schoolers and of course every age in between. TADA!’s classes are fun and active while receiving musical theater training. I loved watching the work of our campers this summer. I can’t wait to see what our students do this fall.

I want to keep this “Note” short and sweet but I can’t sign off without some big thank you’s:


Thank you to the TADA! Staff and Board for all your hard work last year and to your continued dedication to TADA!. Thank you to so many people and institutions who supported us with donations to help keep TADA! going and growing through COVID-19. Thank you to all our creative and talented students and Ensemble Members for being a part of the TADA! Family and finally, thank you to all of you who read “Notes From Nina” and who care about TADA!
