Notes from Nina: Hello, Goodbye, Hello, Goodbye

Hi TADA! Friends and Family,

I thought I completed this “Note” yesterday but then I watched the Democratic National Convention and heard Michelle Obama speak and so I’m adding these two new opening paragraphs. I loved her speech. I loved that she spoke about kids and what they see going on in this country and how this is not the country we told them about but it can be. It can be – not again – because it never really was the country they were taught about, but it can be. If we all have empathy for each other, if we speak up, if we stand against hatred and racism, and if we are honest with ourselves and each other about the past and the present. Then we will live in the country we were promised. 

What does this have to do with TADA!? This vision of this country and specifically of New York is one of the reasons I started TADA!. Not to just tell kids these things but to have them participate in a process of working together, of being empathetic and learning they have a voice and how to use it. They are a part of something that only works when all involved are there for each other – all are needed. At TADA! it’s to make a successful show; in this country it’s to make the country all that we were promised it was supposed to be. 

You say, “Goodbye”, and I say, “Hello, hello, hello.”

Goodbye FY20 – you were challenging, eye-opening, inspiring, sad, creative, and new. The end of a year also means saying goodbye to our Seniors (Brooklyn, Bluend, Annalisa, and Riya) who are going off to college (maybe only online). I will miss you!

I wish I could say goodbye to our deficit (I wouldn’t miss that). This was a tough year financially – thank you COVID-19. I realize that TADA! has asked for donations a number of times this year, and I thank you if you’ve already given. The summer appeal – the end of our fiscal year – is the last one for FY20. I promise. This email is sent to 12,000 people. If every person gave $10 then we would end this year without a deficit at all. But not everyone opens my Notes (I know, can you believe that?). Let’s say 1,200 people open (wishful thinking but, hey, why not) if all of those people gave $100 we would still end with no deficit! That would be incredible. But not everyone gives (really? Yes, really.) And, not everyone is in a position to give especially this year.

So, I’ve set my goal much lower. I would love to raise at least $20,000 by August 31st, which means that only 200 people have to give $100 or 100 people have to give $200. I believe this goal can be achieved. If you can give more please do so or if you have to do less – that’s ok, too. If all of you who are able to give something, that will be so helpful. Thank you. So, if you are still reading this note – click here and give whatever you can. We’ll get by with a little help from our friends. 

Say hello to FY21 which starts with online classes – we even have classes for 2 year olds to take with their grownup! And new classes for teens! Ensemble Members will continue to develop new musicals. There’s also online private voice, acting and dance classes available to everyone. 

The next “Notes From Nina” won’t be until September 15th because I’m taking a couple of weeks away from TADA! to relax, recharge and reimagine. In fact, the entire staff of TADA! will be off from August 31st and back on September 8th. 

I hope you have a great end of summer 2020 and take some time to enjoy it. It’s one to remember or to forget depending on how you look at it.


Janine Nina Trevens
Executive & Producing Artistic Director