Notes from Nina: Older and Wiser

Hi TADA! Friends and Family,

Sorry I missed last week. Did anyone even notice? I took my birthday week off to relax and recharge. I came back to TADA! and realized after taking the week off, there is a lot to do! Now that I’m older and wiser, I looked at the priorities of the work TADA! needed (I am also writing proposals as we are down a staff member) and I decided that these “Notes” had to wait a week. 

Thank you for all the birthday wishes, emails, texts, and social media messages. It was so wonderful to hear from everyone. I wanted to get 60 people to give to TADA! through Facebook fundraising and I did– I got 67 donations. That makes me feel great. I thought it was a big goal and wasn’t sure that it was achievable. The saying “you don’t know until you ask” is true. I’m glad I asked, and glad many answered.

I didn’t end up going to the Spa. I just didn’t want to leave the house and it was so cold. Ceanna and I did go out during the big snowstorm. It was so spooky looking out at the water and not seeing New Jersey or the Statue of Liberty. There weren’t a lot of people out, so I felt very safe and, you know, the masks actually help keep my face warm. I’ve become such a recluse. I need to change that and start venturing out into the world again. 

This is a short “Note” as I need to go back to work on the NBC funding application, which is due tomorrow. This evening, I go into rehearsal for the Common Ground New Works Workshop.

I’m also getting ready for the first TADA! Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Justice (EDIJ) Planning Committee meeting which is happening in a little over a week. I’m looking forward to working with this group of Alum, Staff, Board, Funders, Current Ensemble Members and Parents, and to create a plan for TADA! to become an antiracist and multicultural organization. 

Happy Lunar New Year, which starts tomorrow, and welcome to the Year of the Ox.


Janine Nina Trevens
Executive & Producing Artistic Director