Notes from Nina: It Happens in October

Hi TADA! Friends and Family,

Birthdays and Anniversaries can bring up many different emotions— happiness, fun, pain, sadness, and triumph to name just a few. October has a number of such days for me— my Nana’s Birthday, my Mom’s death, my Wedding Anniversary (although now I’m dealing with divorce. We separated 4 ½ years ago but this is still hitting me hard), and it’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month (click here to view Conversations with Trudy, a Facebook Live show I was on. I along with three other Breast Cancer Survivors shared our stories and answered viewer questions).

In October we also celebrate National Arts & Humanities MonthNational Coming Out DayIndigenous Peoples Day, and the end of National Hispanic Heritage Month which started mid-September. Click here to read some stories from the TADA! family that they would like to share with you.  

This year, October marked the start of TADA!’s Programming. TADA!’s Online Fall Semester Education Classes for kids ages 4-15 began. The students are receiving basic musical theater skills training while having fun, making new friends, and staying active. 

Ensemble Staff met with RYET (Resident Youth Ensemble of TADA!) Members and their parents in our big Zoom Beginning of the Year Meeting. We’re now meeting privately with each RYET Member to talk about the goals they accomplished last year and to set new goals and plans for this year. It’s so interesting to talk about the next 11 months when none of us really know what we will be doing even a couple of months from now. 

Speaking of not really knowing what the future holds: I think we’re all dealing with the realization that life isn’t what it was just 8 months ago and that we will be living in this temporary normal for longer than we hoped or thought. It’s hard, right? All you can do is love your life as it is. Don’t keep waiting for it to be as it was or try to figure out what it will be.

One thing I do know is that “Notes From Nina” will move to Thursdays starting October 29th— right before the last yearly occurrence that happens in October, Halloween. 


Janine Nina Trevens
Executive & Producing Artistic Director